We can now declare martial law and float a lie to avoid early scrutiny. We can lie and say the terrorist had a gun for two days or so and attempted suicide.
What if an in innocent person (or family) had been negligently shot dead during this shelter in place order in Boston, what cover story would they float to keep people calm? Thats just part of the sausage making process now, right? Thats how they serve the “greater good”?
How do you reel this all back in? We’ve crossed the rubicon, this stuff is reminiscent of the Russian KGB or East German Stazi. When all the available ammo is in the hands of DHS, your local cops will be defacto federalized and they WILL do what their told.
There was aa article in the early 90’s called 29 palms that was given to some military as a survey about using our military as a police for to disarm America. I’m surprised that it hasn’t been talked about with this new communist regime.