background checks for fertilizers?
Or acetone, gasoline, alcohol, matches, spray paint, hairspray......
How about background checks for gas? Some of the most powerful explosives are FAEs - fuel/air explosives. The only real trick is figuring out a rapid dispersal scheme...
Yep, the most ancient fertilizer is excrement. You’ll need a back-ground check to take a dump.
Fertilizer? They actually tried that after Okie City when they realized what McVeigh used. But the fertilizer industry spoke up pointing out just how much fertilizer is used-—millions of tons-—all in bulk-—by the truck and trainload. Wasn’t workable then-—ain’t workable now.. This is the same stuff we’ve shipped to NKorea for free. But I can do as much damage with gasoline at the Cheeechens were able to do with their witches brew. So prepare to show ID to gas up.