I'm being careful the ‘Not another Bush” slogan isn't the Democrats pushing it...so not jumping on that wagon. Too many of our people jumped on their slogans not realizing the demo's were putting them out there.
Are we going to do the same thing we did in this last election and immediately screw every candidate? I won't be making that mistake again...will see who can unite the opposition to the democrates before I jump in or out. Right now we're leaderless...and I don't see anyone in the pipeline ...I could handle the Bushes bringing some stability to the country, which will be a wreak by the time Obama’s done.
We've just had a CEO darn near bankrupt our company...they fired him and brought back the former CEO who had maintained the company throughout the 08 financial dive. Immediately calm came to the employees, banks and vendors.
We may need just that from the Bushes...for 4 yrs, while they line up another “NEWBEE to take over.
It's not about slogans. It's facing facts, and realizing that on a whole host of issues, from immigration to economics to education, Jeb Bush (and his brother) may as well be Democrats.