Dear Williams-Sonoma,
I find it uplifting and touching that you take such a bold symbolic step as this in removing pressure cookers from your shelves. I also think it would be fitting if you removed all nails, screws or other potential projectile objects that were placed in the pressure cooker from the structure of your buildings/shelves and use a safe alternative to hold these things together. This would be quite a respectful tribute to the fallen victims of this tragedy.
Are you serious ? So pressure cooker is a type of explosive that was becoming uniquely identified in a powerful and destructive way with the name of your product and the company should have reacted passively ? Imagine if there had been a copycat terrorist touting Williams Sonoma pressure cookers as the means to house these IED’s, the reputation of the company would have been seriously compromised. At least by temporarily pulling the items they have covered themselves to some extent.