Here is the description of the captions on the WH visitor’s log... Note the times are “expected” on the arrive and departure, not actual.
Can someone post the actual copy of the log?
UIN - Appointment Number
BDG NBR Badge Number
Access Type - Type of access to the complex (VA = Visitor Access)
TOA Time of Arrival
POA Post of Arrival
TOD Time of Departure
POD Post of Departure
APPT_MADE_DATE Date the Appointment was made.
APPT_START_DATE Date and time for which the appointment was scheduled
APPT_END_DATE Date and time for which the appointment was scheduled to end
APPT_CANCEL_DATE Date the appointment was canceled, if applicable
Total_People- The total number of people scheduled for a particular appointment per requestor
LAST_UPDATEDBY Identifier of officer that updated record
POST Computer used to enter appointment
LastEntryDate Most recent update to appointment
TERMINAL_SUFFIX - Identifier of officer that entered appointment
visitee_namelast Last name of the visitee
visitee_namefirst First name of the visitee
MEETING_LOC Building in which meeting was scheduled
MEETING_ROOM Room in which meeting was scheduled
CALLER_NAME_LAST Last name of the individual that submitted the WAVES request
CALLER_NAME_FIRST First name of the individual that submitted the WAVES request
CALLER_ROOM Room from which the appointment was made
Description Comments added by the WAVES requestor
When Bush was in office, the Dems knew every visitor to the White house. and their backgrounds looking for things to smear Bush with. Thus the MSM articles. Are we to believe the Repubs do not?
Which is worse? They didn’t know or they did and ignored it?
And are we going to count on them to do the right thing or will they cya as usual with no consequences?
Think this stuff through people.
Here is the link to the actual WH visitor’s log....
Can someone have fun doing name searches?