“He does not condone arming these domestic drones for regular law enforcement use. That much should be clear”
Lets face reality, saying that you don’t care if a guy running out of a liquor store with $50 in his hand is killed by a drone or a cop is pretty much regular law enforcement.
This drone thing has got to be nipped in the bud or its going to be ruling us in 5 years from now.
Drones are only the start. In DOD circles there are companies selling all kinds of remote detection/monintoring systems. Its all public information and available for any govt entity in the US.
All drones do is replace what they are currently doing with one tool, with a different tool.
We have too many laws and too much government.
Want to over-fly my property with a drone? Get a warrant.
That is what Rand is saying. Anything else is pure PDS imagination.