It is supremely important. But here’s the thing...
We know that the admin is criminal (at minimum) top to bottom. The pressure needs to be on those not doing anything to stop it...who have thusfar turned the other cheek...if we ever want any results. Feet to fire. Isn;t that what the romney campaigners said? Well, lets see it happen.
Yes I am frustrated. But I have reason to be.
I understand your frustration..I feel the same way. Other than the senators,congressmen having very public pressers exposing this stuff..(which they all should do..NOW)... The constitutional hurdle to have impeachment proceedings move forward is a tough one when we have so many cowards on our own side and so many traitors on their side.
We still must expose the stuff in hopes that it will create a roar of the masses for truth, justice and the restoration of our republic.Our only hope.