Just because it’s conservative does not mean it’s a reliable and trusted source of news. PERIOD.
WND...or what I call World Nut Daily, is similar to those grocery store checkout magazines like the Globe etc...
Sometimes they actually break a legit story but most often they hype existing ones with vaguely connected or unrelated but interesting side stories..
The site has a place in the news cycle as we have always had a tabloid press, but you need to be careful with their content and take it with a grain of salt......
Defamationalso called calumny, vilification, traducement, slander (for transitory statements), and libel (for written, broadcast, or otherwise published words)is the communication of a statement that makes a claim, expressly stated or implied to be factual, that may give an individual, business, product, group, government, religion, or nation a negative or inferior image.
doesn’t prove it isn’t either. period.