The Canadians have been ratcheting their game up whenit comes to terrorism, probably more serious now than th US. And Prime Minister Stephen Harper is definitely more serious than President Obama.
Harper does take the terrorist threat more seriously, but he has done nothing to stem the flood of muslim immigrants into Canada. We suffer from the same PC BS in this country as you do in the U.S. As these Chechen lads showed, every muslim is a potential terrorist because if they actually begin to take their religion seriously it will inevitably lead to jihad against the infidel west. Those muslims who are not jihadists are like those who attend liberal Christian churches - they aren’t really following the essence of their faith. The essence of islam is jihad.
“When you see this type of violent act (Boston Marathon) , you do not sit around trying to rationalize it or make excuses for it or figure out its root causes,” Harper said before leaving London after attending Margaret Thatcher’s funeral.
“You condemn it categorically, and to the extent you can deal with the perpetrators, you deal with them as harshly as possible.”- Stephen Harper