Get Fox News to cover radical Saudis? Might as well try to get Al Jazeera to cover them. Not going to happen.
The huge influence of Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal a huge investor in Newscorp/Fox, is likely the main reason for this pathetic and shameful Fox News non-covergage.
As a person who has not had television since 1997 but is exposed to it from time to time, I need to inform everyone that Fox is NOT conservative.
The Saudis own Fox.
Even if the story were false, a story with this much importance warrants significant coverage if only to give the reasons it has been disproved.
Hmmm, there is a copy of the 212.3B event which would give an HONEST person the impression that at one time, right or wrong, the government at its highest levels thought this guy was the baddest of the bad and after a Kerry/Saudi, and bHo/Saudi, and a First Wookie/Saudi meeting this 212.3B went from public enemy #1 (which essentially a 212.3B is) to a “person of interest”, then to a “witness”, then to a “victim” and now we don’t know if he is on his way back to the land of camel jockies without an in depth investigation.
We must demand from our government and media the truth.
Perhaps I missed the explanation, but when I tuned back in to Beck’s radio show, Glenn was missing and it was just his sidekicks doing the show. Did they say where he went?
Saudis own the media and own this president. They owned the last one, too. There is no reason to doubt that this muzzie was part of A terror cell, if not directly linked to the Boston plot.
Fair and balanced? Yeah right. I say unbalanced and, at times, gutless. Just my opinion after watching BOR and others.
Bill O’Really had Glenn Beck on tonight and covered it minimally.