” Please understand one thing about me my FRiends. I don’t jump on anyone’s bandwagon until they have proven themselves to me”
Who have we got left in the House & Senate who hasn’t sold us
out, one way or another? Kidding aside, can you name them?
Last years GOP primary was a parade of losers but the next one will include the wanna-bes (Ryan, Rub, Paul, ??) sucking up to Latinos and gays while pitching the opposite to GOP primary voters, werent MCcain and Romney bad enough obvious phonies?
Paul :’ I never met an immigrant who wanted (came here for a) handout from the government. Hispanics are natural conservatives,’
Rubio :’My immigration legalization process will take them so long that they will wish they left this country and applied from where they came from. Its not amnesty because it punishes them.’
Ryan:’You have to pass my bill to find out whats in it 10 years later’