“the Russian government has warned a lot about the kind of refugees, about the kind of immigrants that the US and Western European countries are ready to accept. I mean I didnt interview these people in Europe or in the US, but read a lot of reports from Russian reporters and from Western reporters actually interviewing those people. And a lot of them didnt change their convictions. A lot of them are die-hard Islamists. They didnt change after leaving Russia and I can easily imagine that a lot of them consider both Russia and the US parts of the same western decadent civilization. In this situation they can wage their jihad not necessarily in a place like Syria or Iraq, but also in the US.”
shocking, not really
My personal opinion is that this is an Eric the Corrupt Holder and Butch Napolitano sting gone wrong. Notice that every few months or so Eric and Butch roll out a couple of rubes that were recruited and were planning a bomb and were caught just in the nick of time with the dummy bomb. The Feds knew who did it in hours after the bombs went off. My guess is that Eric and Butch (notice that they are not out there crowing about their great job) are shredding documents, threatening underlings, and trying to get the ring leader (the Saudi?) out of the country.
Isn’t it a shame that no one except slack jawed Progressives believe a word the Feds put out, or the MSM for that matter.
...and the U.S. DHS said, “Thanks, but we don’t believe in terrorists any longer” and went ippity-skippity on its merry way.
Giving refuge to ordinary political dissidents is one thing - giving it to Islamist dissidents is a problem, because Islamists hate all non-Muslims, including the host countries that provide them with refuge.