"When Cervelli specified they would need one bed, the owner asked if they were lesbians. Cervelli responded truthfully and the owner said she was uncomfortable having lesbians in her house because of her religious views, the lawsuit said."
The owner was just begging for a lawsuit when they brought this up.
In this day and age gay trumps everything.
Now if the owner asked if they were smokers and refused to rent to them, the liberal judge would have thrown the case out.
Did the owner admit asking that question?
The attorney makes it sound like that’s a possibility because he’s addressing the first amendment angle but a good attorney is going to argue the facts so, he’s not going to make a claim of lying unless he can prove it.
If the owner didn’t admit it and there’s no video tape, I don’t believe it happened.
I’m not calling gays liars. But activist gays are liars and these two seem awfully happy to have their picture taken.
And you know they’re not good people because a good person would have left when asked.