If the Russians had that information no Media would report it , no Congressman would investigate it the supreme Court would ignore it.
Hell: We all know it, and cannot get anything doen
We all know he sends the Wookie off on her orgasmic spending sprees and vacations so he and Reggir can have more time together. We all know his Birth Certificate amnd Social security card are phomies. We all figure he went to school on and foreign aid plan for students. We know he isn’t a natural Born Citizen.
It is not possible for the Russians or anyone else to divulge anything against Obama that would cause black or Hispanics or kill-crazed abortion loving women or yellow dog Democrats to go against him.Liberal love him and hate America.
Obama would laugh at such a Russian threat.
Our only hope was an honest John Roberts, and that sure went down the toilet.
We don’t deserve any better. 55 MILLION DEAD BABIIES and now GAY MARRIAGE....all this after we have kicked GOD, especially Jesus, we deserve NO BETTER.
No American media would report it. Pravda and the British would run it with compromising pics.
Yeah, the day John Roberts made himself and his life (I can only assume that was the reason he went off the deep end) more important that this entire nation, I knew we were done.
It seems unreal to imagine a world without America as it has been, especially the 20th century. But everything has a season I guess.