Islam is absolutely terrified by women’s sexuality. I remember the 9-11 hijacker who didn’t want a woman touching whatever might be left of his micro peen in the rubble of the world trade center. That was a huge concern for him. Killing thousands of people was not on his mind, but keep those women away from his dead bodies micro peen!
Islam despises women and hates female sexuality. Profit Mahound had a vision of hell that was `mostly full of women’. Muzzies’ disgust at the display of the female body is sickening in itself. They are an evil bunch who seek to dominate or kill anyone who disagrees with their twisted religion.
But the pic of that Malay girl with her tight attire & come-hither smile only proves the futility of the Islamic disregard for the power of human femininity.
So they resort to female mutilation & honor killings. Bloody savages!