Disagree...9th amendment gives the states the power to regulate labor relationships...Federal government should have no say so at all in individual labor relationships...
You seriously don't think certain employers would not abuse that relationship in certain economic conditions ?
Labor laws were enacted for that reason...The state has a role in protecting the working class of people...from inscrutable organization...bear in mind I'm not proposing overbearing regulations like we have today...just some reasonable regs to keep employers honest...and fair...
Sorry, I see nothing in the 9th to suggest such.
Oh, I firmly believe, especially in this day and ago, that word of mouth and those employers who would disparage their employees would soon be out of business.
If one if Free, one is able to enter into any contract of their choosing for the exchange of ones mental/physical abilities for anthers’...whatever (money, jewels, barter, trade, etc.). Gov’t has no control nor obligation to get in the way of that exchange