Suppose we do what we do to prevent drug use and apply that to divorce. From herein,if anybody divorces, they will be sentenced to five years imprisonment. If there are too many divorces still, then we will keep amping up the punishment, until we achieve a national goal of zero divorces, including up until the death penalty.
Do you believe that we will achieve our goal of zero divorces, or do you think people will simply,become much more clever about murder?
Aside from your ridiculous zero percent/jail for divorce scenario, it sounds pretty good to me. You’re heading in the right direction. Congratulations.
Society (particularly children) was a lot better off when we had both tougher laws and more social disapproval of divorce. We can’t just give up all laws on divorce (and drugs) and expect things to get better. As libertarians say about the stock market or other businesses, people do react to incentives or disincentives. But they forget that people react to incentives other than purely financial.