My favorite April Fools Day radio broadcast occurred back in the 1980’s. I tuned in to KRLA, the old rock blaster, not the present-day conservative chatterbox, and almost went into shock. They were playing songs, running ads, and even doing news broadcasts and weather reports from April 1, 1963. I remember what I was doing on April 1, 1963 and what the weather was like (it rained), and the broadcast was spot-on. I momentarily thought I had traveled through a time warp.
Some listeners went ballistic.
Or when Soupy Sales told the kids in his audience to go get out those green pieces of paper in Mommy’s purse & Daddy’s wallet (both passed out on New Year’s morning), remit same to: The Soupy Sales Show, WNBC, New York, “and in return I will send you a postcard from Puerto Rico”.
OK that wasn’t April Fool but still kind of funny.