Remember the good ole days when a man could be ruined if he was picked and charged for “crime against nature”. When sodomites got their sorry ass kicked out for the military for conduct unacceptable to good order and discipline. Back then society knew right from wrong and these perverts knew they had better keep their filthy lifestyle to themselves or their lives would be ruined. Bring me back the good ole days. When men were men, women were women, and society treated sodomites exactly the way they should be treated, with ridicule and scorn. When homosexuality was rightly called a mental disease. Now these perverts parade around and want to get “married” and adopt little boys so they have sex with them. It’s disgusting.
There has been an ongoing battle by the left and parts of the mental health industry to have homosexuality de-stigmatized.
It worked, to a large degree. And not just homosexuality, nearly any aberrant behavior, because...”We don’t want to be judgmental”.