Okay -- the next time you want help and don't get it, remember this decision of yours.
Does anyone here know if his body has been buried yet? I would have thought it would have been a news item.
Split the monies between the couple that was tied up for loss of property, food and toilet paper while that animal camped out at their home and completely reimburse all costs for rebuilding the cabin that you guys torched and all the belongings inside.
You set their home on fire, ala Janet Reno.
You had all the means at your disposal and had him surrounded. You could have waited him out or until he offed himself.
Is anyone really surprised by this? I mean come on Los Angeles is already functionally bankrupt, you think that they even have the money for this? They’ve also reneged on buying a new truck for the two women that got shot up as well as the other guy they tried to shoot up be missed. It’s a free fire zone here for cops who really are the ones that need gun control, need to limit them to a six shooter and one bullet that they keep in their shirt pocket.