Implicit in the enumeration of our 2nd Amendment rights is the right to bear and keep weapons comparable to any weapons the tyrannical government might possess, such as assault rifles. Otherwise, resistance is futile.
Some will say that the framers could never have imagined todays weapons. The framers, however, were educated men of the Enlightenment who knew progress was inevitable.
In point of fact, it was the advanced technology of the Pennsylvania long rifle with its greater range, accuracy and killing power that helped Colonial forces overcome the Redcoats with their less-effective Brown Bess muskets. In addition, multishot firearms were already in use in 1789.
If enough people want to change the Second Amendment, it will need to be repealed or rewritten. However, this dramatic removal of our Constitutional rights cannot and must not be done by mere state or federal legislation......and most definitely not by the presidents pen.
Were that to happen, it could lead to the improper erosion of other critical rights Americans fought so hard to obtain.
WHY OUR CONSTUTUTIONAL RIGHTS ARE IN DANGER: It is an article of faith in Obama's neighborhood that US laws, rights, rules, regs, etc, are used to enforce the "status quo. " TRANSLATION: To Obama's neighbors, the status quo means being kept in poverty, subjugated and marginalized while others are elevated and prosper.
(Needless to say, they have no idea how democracy works---and how all of our rights contribute to the creation of wealth and one's social status. Absent from the neihborhood thinking is that some people are simply smarter than other people---and thus they advance and prosper within the framework of freedom.)
These huge ammunition purchases are NOT for terrorists.
Many Americans can’t find bullets to purchase, because the govt. bought them up.