Wrong again. The did not lose information. The information changed.
A bacteria that was formerly cold resistant can become a bacteria that is cold susceptible but heat resistant when exposed to heat stress. The bacteria didn’t “lose” the information on how to make itself cold resistant so much as it changed the information making; thus making itself heat resistant.
Expose it to cold and it can change back to being cold resistant through natural selection of genetic variation. What was lost?
To use your analogy it could lose an arm to not be arrested when not being arrested was advantageous - then grow the arm back again when having two arms was advantageous.
So why would bacteria under stress express a gene that increased the amount of mutations in its offspring?
Sorry but you have been misled.
All of evolutionary theory is about “random mutations” conserved so that “Natural selection”, read environment, can or will “ALLOW” certain mutations to survive.
It is all about death.