YOU are wrong. We might have identical voting records for POTUS, but YOU are on the wrong side on the birther issue.
Speak for YOURSELF, when you do the “us vs them” stuff you presume far too much.
YOU ARE NEARLY ALONE with your crackpot theories.
Wow—powerful, logical arguments all.
Except that there wasn’t a smidgen of logic or argumentation in the entire rant.
Why DO people who struggle so mightily w logic claim to be so good at it? Just one of life’s little mysteries, I guess.
Yes, he is nearly alone with his crackpot theories.
There are a few here that have bought into the theory. But they're pretty much always the same people.
I do actually think most FReepers regard them as crackpots, or at least wrong. Of course, there's no way to know for sure.
I was discussing this a night or two ago with a relative who is studying psychology. She was talking about the various reasons people believe stuff. I told her that one of the reasons people believe stuff is because they are around somebody else who believes it. And that you can come up with a theory pretty much at random, and the evidence can be TOTALLY against it (like the theory it takes birth on US soil plus two citizen parents to make a natural born citizen).
Then I struggled to come up with another example that doesn't involve birthers. I said, "It works better if you can make it sound plausible, and if the evidence is complicated enough that most people won't look at it..."
So I said, "Okay. Here's an example. You could claim that shape-shifting aliens from the planet Kutran, from a star in the constellation Orion, are secretly controlling the United States government. You can then find government documents that don't specifically say that aliens don't exist, and a few people who will claim to be experts, and one or two who will claim to have personal knowledge. And you could get a few people on board, and then because those people are convinced, there are other people who would decide that the whole theory must be a credible one. And in fact, not only credible - it's absolutely true. And then anyone who denies that the theory is true, well, it's because they're an agent of the Kutranians, or perhaps an actual shape-shifting Kutranian in human guise."
"S_______'s boyfriend D_____ basically actually believes that," she replied.
Were it a crackpot theory, I would expect you to be wearing a skirt and waving pompoms while shouting give me a "C"...
H*ll, you probably do that anyway.