The irony of this situation is that if the government had actually closed down illegal immigration on the southern border there would be less resistance to some of these proposed immigration reforms.
People might actually be in a frame of mind to consider a reasonable solution.
But we know the government does not really intend on shutting the borders so there is no trust in anything they say.
We have heard them lie about closing the border since 1986. Remember George Bush promised to build a fence back in 2004-2005? How many millions did he waste on pretending to build a workable fence? How many millions has Obama wasted on pretending he wanted to control the borders? He hired more Border Patrol agents then made rules preventing them from doing their jobs.
How many times do they think we will fall for the old Lucy/Charlie Brown football trick?
We can’t lose track of the fact that the liberals want the status quo to continue.
That’s what gave them California, and in a decade or so, they will own Texas due to.....the status quo.
They no more will support ANYTHING that changes the immigration/border status quo, than they will support Antonin Scalia clones being elevated to the Supreme Court.