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Sen. Rand Paul: Illegal immigrants should be allowed to obtain legal status
WaPo ^ | 3.19.2013 | Rosalind S. Helderman

Posted on 03/19/2013 2:01:47 PM PDT by WCH

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To: SoConPubbie; P-Marlowe

The Constitution Party’s (and other 3rd parties) futile efforts in the last election taught me a lesson. They all attempt to build their party from the top down. The run a presidential candidate, get name recognition, and hope that will launch them. It isn’t working and it won’t work.

Parties should be built from the bottom up. They should be dog-catchers, coroners, school board members, county commissioners, etc.

Why? First, local media will give you coverage. Second, and most importantly, the first real presidential runs will be a least a 3 party race. That means that short of winning a majority of the votes in the electoral college, which in a 3 way race probably won’t happen, one will have to stand election again in the House of Representatives, if I read my constitution correctly. In that case, you’d better have representatives in place from your party.

Surprisingly, Abe Lincoln did have just that when he won the first Republican presidency.

261 posted on 03/19/2013 7:38:43 PM PDT by xzins (Retired Army Chaplain and Proud of It! True supporters of our troops pray for their victory!)
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Dang, sorry for typos.. almost noon here, I really shoul get to bed :p

262 posted on 03/19/2013 7:39:07 PM PDT by Bikkuri (Molon Labe)
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To: Bikkuri

Gotta wait for the Romney cheer squad to show up and spew first. Need solid material to work with ;)

Hopefully they will just exercise the right to remain silent. Since this is all their fault to begin with. Their hero was cool with lax immigration/amnesty after all. So I can’t imagine where the GOP got the idea we’d be OK with it...and abortion...and gay everything...just because millions voted for a big proponent of it all...

263 posted on 03/19/2013 7:41:50 PM PDT by Norm Lenhart
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To: Norm Lenhart
Well, this should give us some encouragement... your original request ;)

lots of hours to get that one ;)
264 posted on 03/19/2013 7:46:32 PM PDT by Bikkuri (Molon Labe)
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To: Bikkuri; Windflier

Ah! The ceremonial Chief Druid headdress! That belongs to Windy now...I am but a mere humble wanderer of Asgard’s plains...

Who also needs some sleep...

Night all!

265 posted on 03/19/2013 7:48:51 PM PDT by Norm Lenhart
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To: Monorprise

The GOPe thrives on attitudes such as yours.

The cowardice is too disgusting to witness.

The ignorance feeds them.

Let’s try this, and them please, don’t respond.

They could either study the issue, or look at it honestly or use whatever common sense they might have or a combo of the three.

Here’s what they’d find.

The learning of the culture is the burden of the immigrant, or in this case, illegal immigrant, or, in the case of Rand Paul’s stupid idea, the invader, in which case, the burden of learning the new culture is on the invadee, who must learn the culture of the invader.

The Americans are pushed around and bullied and harassed in many ways, not just in the language dept. Our politicians and the Bishops of the US, where there is a huge invasion going on in favor of a populace that votes 76% for the pro abortion candidate. They won’t vote for a republican to save their souls.

Hence, bilingualism. They’re not going to learn English, we’re all going to learn Spanish. And the there won’t be any stinkin bilingualism.

Right now there are more places than not in these border states where one cannot get a job unless they know Spanish.

Where is that going?

Do you and these dopes in the house and senate think the priority culture (Mexican) is going to tolerate bilingualism

266 posted on 03/19/2013 7:50:50 PM PDT by stanne
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To: Bikkuri

Just ass some socialist salt and communist water... and you will get a troll out of it..

267 posted on 03/19/2013 7:51:24 PM PDT by Bikkuri (Molon Labe)
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To: Norm Lenhart

Oops, misspell .. :p you know what I meant (and they are still asses.. party ot otherwise ;))

268 posted on 03/19/2013 7:52:43 PM PDT by Bikkuri (Molon Labe)
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To: Bikkuri

Rand is not suggesting citizenship. He is suggesting allowing people who are here a path to a legal working status.


People who are not close to where these people hang out do not understand ....there are GAJILLIONS of these people who are NOT coming here to work. They are coming here for a “ better life” which translates simply to one thing: getting on the effing DOLE.

Just hang out in healthcare, as I have will see 15 yo illiterate peasants with babies in tow, coming here for free healthcare for them and their kids, free schooling for the kids, free housing, utilities, WIC and food stamps ...escorted to their doc visits with a translator ...and here’s a secret ...they don’t work. Not a minute ...they stay home all day and breed more anchor children ...for which you and I are forever responsible for.

These people ...even if they DO work ...will still somehow wrangle the earned income tax credit where WE WILL PAY THEM extra to work in low paying menial jobs ...forever. So, the “business class” is pushing off their costs onto the taxpayer.

We are being scammed as a country ....ripped off, cheated ...they are invading and they do not plan to assimilate, period.

Enforce the laws on the books!!

269 posted on 03/19/2013 8:00:22 PM PDT by LibsRJerks
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To: xzins; P-Marlowe
The Constitution Party’s (and other 3rd parties) futile efforts in the last election taught me a lesson. They all attempt to build their party from the top down. The run a presidential candidate, get name recognition, and hope that will launch them. It isn’t working and it won’t work.

Well you did say TAKE OVER the old party! ;)
270 posted on 03/19/2013 8:01:57 PM PDT by SoConPubbie (Mitt and Obama: They're the same poison, just a different potency)
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To: Hot Tabasco
Then your reading comprehension is severely compromised.......or biased. One of the two

Nope, he wants to "Normalize" (make legal) 2 million illegal alien invaders each and every year based on a "Certification" from congress that the border is secure.

Not that the fence has been finished, not after he cuts off all benefits for all illegals, no, simply the opinion of Congress, who at least half of right now already think it is secure.

BTW, when you take away the illegal status of somebody, without making them pay the penalty of their illegal behavior, wouldn't you call that an Amnesty?!

Your boy Rand Paul is a coward, not a leader, and his plan is nothing but Amnesty.
271 posted on 03/19/2013 8:06:23 PM PDT by SoConPubbie (Mitt and Obama: They're the same poison, just a different potency)
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who speaks out against illegals and so for Americans? there was always only one , Tom Tancredo

and he was for limited government too

272 posted on 03/19/2013 8:07:21 PM PDT by Democrat_media (media makes mass shooters household names to create more & take our guns)
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To: LibsRJerks; Windflier; Norm Lenhart

Preaching to the choir here, my new friend....

Seen it happen for about 20 years before I left the states.. and have been watching it become a bigger problem since I have been gone (15 years now).

273 posted on 03/19/2013 8:12:06 PM PDT by Bikkuri (Molon Labe)
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ok.. absolutely MUST get some ZZzzs.. take care ALL of my FReeper friends.. hopefully there will not be issues between us all tomorrow ... :p)

274 posted on 03/19/2013 8:17:21 PM PDT by Bikkuri (Molon Labe)
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To: stanne

In my heart I can only hope that their plan would prove successful.

Given all our past attempts to do just this, I fear their “slow” recovery option may be just a myth to grant enough hope to bring us thou a slow death.

I’ll be honest I think we might be much better off with a quick death & subsequent rebirth than the slow death with small hope of a slow recovery they are promising.

You are of course right about language and couture being overrun here in the South West. Theses people in this way are acting as invaders not immigrants. I just wish we had the means to stop them.

275 posted on 03/19/2013 8:18:17 PM PDT by Monorprise
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To: Monorprise

We have the means.

We let our politicians off the hook by normalizing laziness and cowardice.

The way I understand it, Reagan agreed to this by believing that he borders would be enforced and he got, not only duped, but blamed.

Take one look at the gang of numbskulls running the government and figure out that they are not about to enforce laws that they don’t feel like enforcing.

This is as complicated as people want to make it.

Rand Paul could’ve been courageous about this, but he’s being a lazy coward not doing his job.

He has no business in this mess. He was put up to it, as he has no pure reason to stick his nose into the business of those who have had to live with this and who see it worsening every day.

Allowing these people to pretend they can’t enforce the law is enabling.

276 posted on 03/19/2013 8:26:23 PM PDT by stanne
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To: SoConPubbie

It may be an unholy compromise, but it is one I feel we are compelled to accept at least on the federal level, due to a lack of alternatives.

I say on the Federal level because on the State level we retain our most effective and important options.

On the State level we can continue our push for aggressive state legislators presusing nullification to kill or render largely ineffective many Corrupt Federal domestic intrusions thus paving the way for their abandonment in Washington as well.

On the State level we can also find ways to help address he illegal immigration mess from the domestic enforcement side.

Regardless of what washington says the fact emains Washington does not have the armys or on the groud knowledge nessary to deal with this mess. Our State & local government are already dealing with the general criminal aspect so what if they also keep an eye on the invader aspect.


* This too is also a fight that can only be won at the State level.

It is in education that we have our best opportunities to turn the tide and ultimately preserve freedom.

1st: We must teach all children(Latino, black, and white) the meaning, propose and nature of Constitutional government (limited & divided powers). They must understand to a person why it is essential to their survival as a freeman or woman and aggressively defend limited & divided power.

2nd: We absoulty have to get rid of the racial education in school. We have to teach everyone that all races all the same that anyone seeking to start a flaming war on race is themselves the racist for power.

3rd: We live in a country build upon economic freedom(capitalism) our children Must have a basic understanding of how that system works for everyone including them.

This is not wallstreat this is basic economics, they must understand this so that they can work peacefully in this economy and know how to be successful rather than walling in greedy envy of the success of other men.

Our children MUST understand the big picture and where they and their economic activity fits in that picture.

All theses can be done at the State level in the State which we still control. Indeed they must be done if freedom is to have any future in this land.

This my friend must be our focus not Washington Politics.

277 posted on 03/19/2013 9:15:07 PM PDT by Monorprise
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To: Bikkuri
It’s ironic (and smart of them) to start slowing down, as to not scare those few registered democrat constituents that are still REAL Liberals (pre-socialism)..

Bik, I don't see the Commies slowing down at all. I see them shifting tactics on the fly, but they've had the pedal to the metal ever since the Democrats took both houses of Congress in 2006.

Look carefully at any graph that plots some important statistic in the American system over the last decade or two. In every case, you'll see a drastic shift on the graph at precisely the point where the Commies took control of the legislature in 2007. Look at the point where Obama came to power, and it gets even worse.

Make no mistake. These traitors are going for broke. They see Obama's time in office as their chance to sprint to the finish line, and 'fundamentally transform' America for good. Does no good to tap them on the shoulder and let 'em know that it ain't even remotely possible. It wouldn't stop them from trying, even if you could get through the pea soup in their heads.

278 posted on 03/19/2013 9:29:45 PM PDT by Windflier (To anger a conservative, tell him a lie. To anger a liberal, tell him the truth.)
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To: stanne

Tell me where do you imagine our political army’s are hiding?

I have no doubt that there was a great will do to this thing back in the 1980, 90’s and particularly the 2000’s when theses invaders waved their flag of conquest in our streets.

But even then those army’s never appeared they never rallied and they never did as you said they should do.

Politics Stanne is the art of the possible, not the desirable, or even the necessary. Great civilizations have fallen before because they could not bring themselves to do what was nessary and they will fall in the future.

I am not sure you could vent more frustration or disappointment at this madness than I already have. The political army nessary to carry out your solution either does not exist or will not rally.

I would find it interesting to go into a detailed analyses of why, but for now it is suffent to say that this is not with in the power of even a leader such as Rand Paul, just as it wasn’t possible for Ronald Reagan.

279 posted on 03/19/2013 9:33:29 PM PDT by Monorprise
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Something Paul gets that Rubio and the rest of the pandering GOP don't get is that border security must come first. The Rubio plan puts off border security until after half the planet's population has illegally entered the US.

Still, I really have to wonder what these Republicans are smoking. They all seem hell bent on creating more Democrat voters. Must be "fuzzy" math; as in fuzzy like a 3 month old banana.

280 posted on 03/19/2013 9:34:52 PM PDT by Redcloak (Winter is coming.)
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