Until the day comes that two men or two women can produce a child the way nature intended there is no such thing as sodomite “marriage”. Who in the hell would have ever thought this country’s politicians would stoop so low as to try and circumvent what marriage means. These lowlifes have let 2% (if that), control their lives and it’s pathetic and sickening. But, we must never forget that it all starts at the top and when the lying ass, self-promoting liar-in-chief, opens his dumb-ass mouth and says he believes in sodomite “marriage”, the immoral stooges in Washington follow suit. Elections have conseqences and turning this country into another Sodom and Gohorrah is the result.
It's more like 1-1/2%. But it's being shoved down our throats on TV, movies, music, ads, etc. And who's really surprised that our Kenyan-born, illegal alien resident of our White House endorses faggotry, when he himself has been involved in bathhouse sodomy in Chicago.
Portman has put a gun to our heads again with the old pitch, "Gee, if you don't vote for me, a wishy washy liar and turncoat, then you might get that Democrat over there. So you gotta' vote for me, ok?"
I am so fed up with the Boener, Portman, McCain, Dole, Graham, LaTourette filthy lying politicians destroying what's left of our party.
Nailed it!