Define “untrammeled free enterprise”.
Do you think Jesus would condone charging $100 for a bottle of water in a disaster area? Is this not an example of “untrammeled free enterprise”?
Now my position is that while I would indeed criticize “free enterprise” in this case, I would also recognize that government efforts to clamp down, would be a case of the “cure being even worse than the disease”, and most likely result in shortages.
Exceptions aside (selling bottled water in disaster areas), there aren’t any places in the world that are suffering from excesses of free enterprise, untrammeled or otherwise. In the present world, “untrammeled free enterprise” is just not a cause of poverty. Anywhere. At all.
As xzins pointed out, poverty is much more often caused by various forms of socialism, especially that form of socialism often confused for a form of capitalism, corporatism.
Do you think Jesus would condone people dying of thirst because of price controls?
Any place where water can be sold for $100/bottle is guaranteed to have everybody around it loading up any vehicle that can get there with as much water as it can carry. And that vital water will get there days before FEMA will be able to get its act together.