“All of the Biblical references say that Yeshua is the Rock.”
Some people will argue that He couldn’t have meant that Simon Peter was the Rock, given that, in the “original Greek version” of the Gospel, Simon is renamed as Petros (meaning “pebble” in Greek) and that Jesus says that “on this Petra (meaning “rock” in Greek) I will build my Church.” But such persons forget that the dialogue in the “original Greek version” was itself a translation, since Jesus and His Disciples spoke in Aramaic, not in Greek, with one another. *Of course* Cephas had to be translated as “Petros” when used for the name and as the more correct “Petra” when used to mean Rock; “petra” is a feminine word in Greek, and thus would not be a proper name for a man (in fact, to this day “Petra” is a woman’s name in several languages, including Spanish, where it is the female form of Pedro). Had the Gospels been written in, say, French, there would not have been an issue, since “Pierre” is the correct French word for both Simon’s new name and the Rock.
So there is indeed Biblical evidence of Jesus naming Simon Peter to build his Church on Earth. Each person may believe what he or she wishes, of course, but to Roman Catholics this point is quite settled.
Peter was the small hard pebble. He had that nickname all of his life.
Yeshua’s word is consistant on the rock.