No, they are not part of a conspiracy ~ that requires much more brainpower than they are exhibiting.
Couldn’t it be a sub-conscious conspiracy, ie they don’t exactly know they’re part of it? They’ve all been taught in the same leftist indoctrination centers. They probably all have the same knee-jerk response to every new leftist measure or meme, without quite realisng it. I think these days it would take an exceptional person, most likely with exceptional parents, to be subjected to that mess for over a decade of your life, year after year, and not have it influence you some. Even the children of staunch conservatives go off to college and get caught up. The Sixties used to make “cute” movies about it (Sandra Dee, Jimmy Stewart as the father, etc, that kind of thing). The kids would somewhat convert their “bumbling but well-meaning” parents. (The wife was usually portrayed as less “bumbling”, ie, more leftist).