Well, if Cruz is a natural born citizen then even if Obama was born in Kenya he would be eligible to be POTUS because his mother was born in the US.
“Well, if Cruz is a natural born citizen then even if Obama was born in Kenya he would be eligible to be POTUS because his mother was born in the US.”
The US residency requirement for the one married US citizen parent that applied to Barry’s mom was five years which she failed, and Barry wouldn’t be a US citizen at birth...but only if she was legally married...which she was not due to bigamy, IMO.
If Stanley Ann gave birth in Kenya and was NOT legally married Barry would have been a US citizen at birth because under international law recognized by the US the nationality of a single mother is passed as a unitary citizenship to the child, not the nationality of the sperm donor.
However a recent 9th Circus decision (Marguet v. Pillado) in dicta declared any biological connection to a US citizen would make a foreign born child NBC. This decision was handed down in CA just before Judge Carter was about to rule on possible discovery of Barry’s HI BC and I believe that the language was inserted in the ruling explicitly to protect Barry if discovery had found he was Kenyan born.