I feel like I got a nice shot of B-12. Rand Paul's filibuster is the best news I've had in months. Glad to see Cruz, Rubio and Thune get into the action.
Everything Rand Paul said was completely reasonable and responsible, why in God’s name McCain could not just say “Well I wouldn’t do a filibuster on this but Senator Paul is entitled to pursue this topic as he sees fit ....” is beyond me.
I mean really, there is something patently wrong with criticizing your own party member for doing something that is legitimate under the rules, and on a topic which is perfectly reasonable. No one should do that. McCain has a nerve assuming he is in such a position to attack another senator of his own party.
Rand makes a point EVERYONE should understand.
Nero, McStain and Grahamnasty want to consider the US a war zone. If that becomes the norm, martial Law exists.
No warrants, arrests, court dates, lawyers, Due Process etc. We have a official Military Police Force. Just an Kill Order from the Fuhrer or his henchmen is all it takes.
Juan and Lindseed want to be involved in who gets wacked.
It will come in handy when they push their open border legislation.