Well, just because I’m paranoid, doesn’t mean that they really aren’t out to get me.
As a Bircher, I got ridiculed for years. (Still do) “Oh, go put your tin foil hat on and sit in the corner! Stupid Bircher!”
Now, when all we predicted has come to pass, and we sit in the crumbling ruins of our once great nation, those same damn CONSERVATIVE fools who laughed at and impugned us, now sit and bleat “But Who Kneeww? Oh, Just who Kneww??”
Glenn Beck anyone? Rush Lintball? etc.
Senator McCarthy was lambasted for YEARS. He is still maligned today by our so-called CONSERVATIVE clowns who are so much smarter.
Hey, I remember when the Soviet Union finally collapsed and we got access to their classified records, we found that ALGER HISS REALLY WAS A FRIGGIN SPY AND MCCARTHY STRUCK TERROR INTO THE HEART OF THE KGB!
Don’t read about THAT conspiracy born out to be true, now do we.
The FACT is that the fedgov is on a massive buying spree for ammo, the local shelves are bare in my neck of the woods. And that damnable supply and demand thingee that pushes prices through the roof has kicked in. Box of .40 jacketed are in the ionosphere. That’s NOT a damn “tin foil hat conspiracy!” That’s FACT. Prove it to yourself, go down and see what’s left on the shelf!
I shouldn’t get so worked up. After all, I’ve been called “the tin foil hat crowd” by CONSERVATIVES for about 40 plus years.
The only thing that keeps my head up, is that I’ve EARNED the name “ENEMY” from the statists, collectivists, progressives and other SATANISTS.
And I’m proud of that achievement.
I’m with ya, Conrad.