Uhmmm, this isn’t just about subverting a persons 4th it also impairs their 5th and the right to not self incrimnate.
Once it established as precedent it can be used against those who receive college loans, as they are government subsidies and anyone covered by ObamaCare®.
In fact, it could be argued that everyone travels the highway or goods they receive are federally subsidized as travel is on federally subsidized roads.
Governor Scott of Florida tried implementing this and I’m sure it had nothing to do with his “former” company, his wife still had control of it, benefiting from performing the drug tests.
“Uhmmm, this isnt just about subverting a persons 4th it also impairs their 5th and the right to not self incriminate.”
I don’t think it’s too much to ask for folks that are getting welfare not spend it on drugs. If they got a job and supported themselves, in most cases they would also have the same random screening.
I was all for this until my mom got caught in the trap. Now I see how they play their little game.
She’s disabled, but turns 63 and everything changes this year for retirement. She has to switch from Medicaid to Medicare.
She was given an EBT card, due to her disability (for the purpose of buying food) that she refuses to use. She figured that she can get by with barter and helping working family members garden and can their food in exchange for part of the harvest. (She can sit and peel and still has good old fashioned knowledge that most lack).
For more than a year, she’s refused to use the EBT card and has tried to get them to take it back.
THEY REFUSE. They just keep loading more money onto it every month and she keeps yelling at them to KEEP THE MONEY.
She made a deal with her social worker a year ago. If she doesn’t touch it once over a one year period, they’ll cancel it.
So it’s been a year. She just went in to get her evaluation and found out that they’re switching her from Medicaid to Medicare because of her age.
The catch?
She needs to purchase a Medicare supplement for $100 a month for her prescriptions.
But she’s not to worry! They’ll reimburse her that much via her EBT card every month!
The woman was actually smug that she found a way to keep my mom on EBT.
Here I am, a hard-nose conservative that’s been saying for YEARS that we need to crack down on welfare abusers and advocating for this very system. Now my MOM (a sweet little old Christian lady who is a COMPLETE tee-teetotaler) is going to be treated like a criminal and made to pee in a cup because the government is doing their BEST to trap people into this system.
You just wait. Soon it’ll be SSI recipients and people who get VA benefits who have to pee in that same cup.
I’m becoming more and more Libertarian as the days go by. This is about noting more than GOVERNMENT CONTROL. In the end, they’re going to try to trap us all - one way or another.
These are the same people who’re trying to keep us from keeping our own gardens.