Black or camo with black boots just like every other LEO wears so you cannot tell the difference when they are called into action.
Don’t forget the epaulets, shoulder boards, campaign ribbons, maybe a few color guard flags ( btw what is the battle flag of the TSA? ) -——aaaannnnd the ammo pouches for all that ammo they been buyin’? Like Marines do they give them a new set of Unis when they send them into battle?-————————Just picturing the typical morning formation: Colonel TSA commands “Report!”. TSA private reports: “sir we’ve managed to clusterflock at least five flights and a flock of geese this morning with everyone in position to bleep up snow plowing and landings this afternoon.-—Sir!” There’s just too much to work with here-—gotta quit before I hurt myself——Semper Fi
Every time they change the uniform they look more like law enforcement.