To: blam
OR....... it could crash......
29 posted on
03/04/2013 12:14:29 PM PST by
(This propaganda has been edited to include some fully orbed hyperbole..)
To: hosepipe
30 posted on
03/04/2013 12:15:49 PM PST by
(This propaganda has been edited to include some fully orbed hyperbole..)
To: hosepipe
Save the article.
In a year or so, it will be the joke of the year for 2013.
If you understand, you can predict, and his small, fig leaf disclaimer of his prediction, will be ignored when the 20,000 Dow ,2013 inflation adjusted, does not come to pass.
31 posted on
03/04/2013 12:24:35 PM PST by
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