That was weird.
For the whole day a good portion of the web seemed goofed up.
FR was fine for me, but other sites were “off”.
Reading FR along from my job last weekend was interesting as some people here in NY had trouble getting into FR, but from my job I could see FR fine.
But that’s probably because to the eyes of the internet my job sits in Ohio due to the company LAN.
So my access poiont to the net was in Ohio while I was physically in NY.
So whatever happened last weekend was between NY and FR but not between Ohio and FR.
Odd stuff.
Last night looked like a buffer burp or something.
Have been away this week and when came back around yesterday saw same glitches (on web) we discussed a week or two weeks ago. These glitches, burps, or something are becoming quite frequent. Not certain what is going on but something is going on (on the web) that could be trouble for all the web? I placed a question mark because am a novice and do not know. The increase in frequency of glitches, burps, or something is bothersome but am without an answer as to why the glitches, burps, or somethings are taking place.