yeah yeah yeah blah blah blah blah
We hear this everytime they want to cut a teensy bit out of the budget.....the whole sky is sick of this bs.
This underestimates Obama's dishonesty. He will see to it that there are disruptions of programs that affect the most people possible. Most of the media will support the storyline.
It’s a long, long, long climb back to respectability Candy
When even McLame slams you, you know it’s pretty effing bad.
The government is doing everything it can to discourage air travel...sometimes a wise tactic to use when being pushed, is to move aside and let them fall. Cancel all but very necessary air travel. Drive, walk, tele-conference, or even buy a horse.
Let this war against the people be transformed to an Obama against the airlines, which has more mobey, power, and influence to fight back.
This “Chicken Little” tactic by the obamaites is getting very old and very boring.
how many bureaucrats will lose their jobs? how many paper pushers? how many policy wonks? how many assistant-assistant directors?
crickets chirping
how many front line employees - the ones out there doing the work?
thunderous cacophony...
tghe purpose of this isn’t to save money, it is to generate an outcry for more government spending....
budgets go up and down, eh? when was the last time the federal budget went DOWN????
What did we ever do without the leviathon known as the TSA?
How did we EVER get on a plane without them frisking us and probing every inch of our body?
Fire them all!! They are nothing but a bunch of goons and government leaches!
Ray LeHood is as stupid a pig as Obammer is a moronic liar!
My expert characterizations come from a life time career as a transportation engineer.