OK, my point is that - using Kardashian as an example - Kardashian controls the message and reaps the rewards. There are no filters to the public that she can’t change instantly unlike radio and tv ad time booking or even doing a concert or pr speech.
Accordingly, the “message” can be controlled far more exactly than with traditional media outlets using traditional media experts. Not that the right advice wouldn’t go a long way.
OK, that’s true. No denying it.
The thing is that in a government type context, they would still have to ‘sell’ their legislative product...which we can either ‘buy’ or not. It wouldn’t give them free reign to just lie as long as the ability exists to call them on it. Whereas KK is just an attention hound, the Pubs would control their message (true as you pointed out), but not without boundaries.
With the msm today, it’s a totally stacked deck and the thing is, the GOP is intentionally stacking it right alongside their participation in the circus.
It’s really just a mental exorcize for us anyway because the GOP does not WANT any message different than that the dems put out. If they did, they would change their ways and actually oppose them. Now, time and again, they go through the kabuki theater motions and give the Dems what they want. Over and over again.