Even knowing this he will continue to spout the stupidest left-wing crap.
Yeah...there’s not even a pretense of objectivity. They used to (15 years ago) at least run stories that showed Democrats in a bad light...even if the party affiliation was never mentioned. Not anymore.
It’s “get the GOP” all the time now. And it’s not just the “news” programs. The morning shows are operated by Dems and ex-Clinton and Obama appointees. The Talk Shows on Sunday are all stacked against the Republicans. Basic questions of Democratic guests (like...what’s the deal with the 16 trillion dollar debt)are NEVER asked.
The entire “news” operation is set up to get low information voters to support Odumbo.
As long as he shills for the left Williams is defending the status quo.
Juan is not very bright. He didn’t realize what was going on until it happened to him.
Pre-Watergate the media was ant-conservative but kept it under the radar most of the time. Walter Cronkite throwing in the towel on Vietnam being an example of blatant left wing propaganda coming out. Watergate changed everything. Post Watergate the media became hostile and anti government as long as that government was conservative or republican. They became an open left wing propaganda machine and will NOT touch a democrat regime, actually they will PROTECT it.
So, there’s a candle in the wind tunnel between Juan’s ears. May it multiply.
We absolutely have to boycott liberal outlets. We know libs are too dumb to read. NY Slimes and WAPO will have to shut down. I absolutely refuse to watch major network news..and as little local news as I can get away with to check the weather or the sports results.
He’s still as dumb as a box of rocks. But at least he has one fact down. Personal experience can be a good teacher.
Juan making nice with “right-winger?” When does the new book get released?
Juan Williams is feinting to the right. Trying to show he is not an out and out Obama-Bot. I see this fool on Fox and need to mute him immediately or change channels. I am not going to torture myself listening to his idiot lib opinions and analysis
He is far too visible now on Fox...since Obama won Fox wants more black talking heads on. Thee are some palatable libs on Fox but he isn’t one.
Juan got such a stab in the back from the liberals at PBS and it was Fox News that gave him a job and people like Bill O’Reilly supported him. However Juan keeps drinking the liberal kool-aid and supports the very people and their ilk who stabbed him in the back.
Look at the backlash Bernie Goldberg generated for outing the bias at CBS. The leftists are still grumbling about it and attacking him a decade later.
What, he’s declaring jihad against the letter “U”?
And doing so by using 1% of fact mixed in with 99% disinformation then calling it truth.
Juan is a propagandist and imo not worthy of any title of the past such as journalist which used to
actually mean something to media personalities. Kisten Powers used to be
like juan but now looks at the Truth and failry discerns the politics as any
media talking head should.
“The MSM in America is just an extension of the government when its not Republican....”
Actually, the MSM are first and foremost the propaganda wing of the Democrat Party, regardless if it is in power or not. The MSM are inseparable from the Democrat Party.
Hard lesson to learn Juan. Wake up, buddy, that is not the only rotten thing they do.
News story at 11.
Williams, Kristol, Kucinich,Beckle, are just some of the names responsible for Fox’s swing to the left. Not worth watching anymore.