Just to be clear THIS pay freze is really a joke as the fact cat fed workers still get longevity raises, just for being employed.And there are longevity increases nearly every year at first and then every 2 years so NO ONE who has stayed employed by the Feds has missed a pay or “ step” increase.
I think a pay freeze should be what it says it is. a freeze at whatever pay they are getting now.
This is just another fine example of the Heritage Foundation not knowing what they are talking about and only cherry picking the facts. Just another egghead think tank bunching all Federal Salaries into a common bucket, and calculating an average to make the results support their cause. When I started working for the DoD 24yrs ago, scientists and engineers had a separate GS pay scale. During the Clinton administration that changed and all the non- technical personnel were raised up to the scientist/engineer scale. At the time that was approx. a $6K/yr raise. Yesterday the DoD sent out a letter saying that this engineers week and we should honor the accomplishments of our engineers. There are approx. 100,000 engineers/scientists out of the total 800,000 DoD employee base. So in short do an actual comparison of salaries especially in the technical areas. Oh and the reason I dont go to the outside world is, the contractors who work for DoD do not have the countrys best interest in heart only their companys profit margin !!!