Uh, I did just that:
The real blame lies with the nitwits such as Obama and his minions who try to sandbag production increases.
However, since you mentioned refining capacity, refiners have deliberately taken capacity off line. It isn't just the enviro-nuts.
And my point stands, there needs to be position limits on those who are neither producers nor end users.
As I already commented upon and you disregarde, the oil coporations are selling and closing refineries as a consequence of the politicians making it operationally and/or financially necessary to do so. The EPA is making it increasingly difficult to continue the operation of refineries, especially the older refineries where the costs of retrofitting the latest emssions controls and spill safety mandates are too uneconomical or risky due to potentail lawsuits. The refinery must then either be sold to a comapny who can justify the costs and risks of legal complications or the refinery must be closed, demolished, and the real estate remediated at great expense. Given the political landscape where there is no relief in sight for many years to come, what would you have them do? do you really think they should take such financial and other risks when there is not enough consumer demand to keep the refinery from being idled or not enough market for its products to remain profitable?