If all they did was come here to work and go home, under a regularized program, to do certain work that could absorb them without blocking citizens from that work if they wanted it, I would have no problem with that. Please say what would be wrong with it. I don’t get it.
If all they did was come here to work and go home..”
But that’s not what they do. They never go home. They have children and bring their entire families across. There is no enforcement of any of our current laws concerning illegals and when there is, like Sheriff Joe is trying to do, it is not supported by the Federal agencies. We have millions sitting at home collecting unemployment that could and should be doing most of these job and they would if their unemployment was cut off.
Human nature being what it is, employers can pay them less in cash which ends up in Mexico and not on the tax roles. Then there is all the money we spend on ESL classes in public schools and all the Section 8 housing, lunch programs, Medicaid and other government benefits that they end up receiving. Also to be addressed is the dilution of our United States culture. The Federal government simply will not enforce the current laws - what makes you think they would enforce any change in the laws to ensure compliance?
We don’t even do anything about those that overstay legal visas. And we have no idea what/who is even coming across the Mexico border into the U.S. Don’t you think it is a bit strange that a U.S. citizen cannot go into Mexico and demand and get the same “rights” that Mexican citizens come into the U.S. and demand and receive?