I’m a defense contractor and I’m not sure if I am going to get laid off or not. My company hasn’t told me anything except wait and see what happens.
I may be ok since my contract has already been paid for through 2013. I hope so anyway!
I will keep my fingers crossed for you-I know far too many people in your situation...
I’m fresh out of sympathy for those whining over the loss of 8 hours per week-myself, and most everyone I know have been serving arroz con frijoles and tortillas at dinner for many months, and now even that has gone up in price...
I’m with CMS, and we got our blah-blah letter from Sec Sibellius this week like we get every spring. In short, they are doing all they can to avoid cuts and furloughs because you know, it’s for the people. It’s for the children. We can’t help people if our budget is cut. Blah blah.
I love my job and I am thankful for all I have. If I have to be a victim of the economy like the majority of this nation then I guess it will have to suck. So be it. God is in control and me and my kids will be ok.
Just think its ironic that we are in danger of furloughs at the same time that our oversight and review responsibilities have doubled. Sorry,Bama, I can’t babysit your programs or approve your healthcare plans if I’m sitting at home.
Oh and by the way mr president, I didn’t need that new laptop and monitor you gave me 6 months ago. The old one worked fine. We all got them. About 4000 of us. Budget cuts my ass.