If you read the entire article, the guy ended up enjoying shooting and intends to purchase a rifle and join a shooting range. He decided not to get his CC license because he didn't feel a need on his part, didn't want the responsibility that comes with a CC license, and he didn't want to spend that much money. That's his choice of course, but he did not criticize other people who want to carry.
Overall, a positive article.
Bleah, talk about “people with preconceived notions”, those who immediately launch into a soft target and tear him to shreds.
As so many have said above, this is a POSITIVE experience that HELPS EDUCATE those who truly do not “get” the historic “gun culture” that so many of us were blessed to grow up with, that guns are for protection, hunting, and recreation.
Michael, if you are reading this, I appreciate you and your story. **Good for you** to not only be willing to step into what was unfamiliar territory, but further to record your experience for the whole world to comment on... in many cases, unfairly. I hope you continue with your education to more fully understand our 2nd amendment concerns.
You may well find that when you are responsible for protecting a family with little ones, everything changes. I hope you will write again then.