"You may choose to walk to the cattle car, but damn you if you let your children be led up the ramp. You must never allow any group or government to steal your right to exercise armed lethal force in a just situation.
- Patrick Henry
I agree...
There seems to be a kind of blueprint to the methods implemented during that time in their history, but might not be applicable (in our sphere) without some adjustments for culture, demographies and the area you and others may occupy at a particular time...
Like I;ve said many times...I’d like to think we can keep this civil, keep the fight in the halls of our government and its procedures...
But there are serious and credible doubts about their ability to keep it from spilling out into the streets, for lack of a better term...
I would say I have a controlled cynisism about our leadership caste these days, and my doubts, all our doubts about their abilities are congruent, on the same page, so to speak...Some of us are certainly prepared for worse conditions, and we are still far (in my opinion) from any ddraastic action from our side of the equation...But there will be a breaking point, and each man’s line in the sand is different, our tolerances for the nonsense will be up ended with a series of events, maybe not so much “one thing” that willtrigger us into “individual” action...
Just my opinion...
BTW, peoples inhibitions about fighting back, back then, were different...Nowadays, we are cautious about offending, or calling attention to ourselves and our opinions that differ from this Fabian agenda to “fundamentally” change the founding principles...Why there is concern (maybe fear) I have not quite put my finger on that just yet...
Remember the old addage about ther may become a time that we need to bury our guns, to keep them out of the hands of tyrrany, but that that may be the time to keep them close at hand...
Well, Ibelieve we still need to keep our “wits” about us, close at hand, and do what we can to convince those who choose to lead, represent us, always focused upon the virtue of our cause, to maintain the freedoms/liberties this country was founded upon...And make and most importantly BELIEVE in those principles and lead from that position rather than from a compramised, or moderate political/social standpoint...That may keep us from the brink of losing this country...
Just my random thoughts for the morning...