Then I will re-iterate my question to you.
If your assertion is, "You had to have done something wrong" then explain to me how I could have been pulled over, NOT TICKETED, and released more than 100 times in 90 days? The trips were simply to and from home, work, and school.
I await your response.
My response is that the one cop who stopped you does not represent the majority. At no time did I say that all cops are good.
Whoa, ignore my previous comment! Seriously, over 100 times? What do you have on your car, a “probable causemobile” sticker? No, really, I want to know. Why do you think you have been stopped this many times and where do you live?
Maybe there is just something about you that pisses people off?
“——— more than 100 times in 90 days”
Maybe the cops thought you were absolutely adorable.