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"The List": Obama's Two Hundred and Twelfth Week in Office ^ | 2/15/13 | Nachum

Posted on 02/15/2013 11:31:27 AM PST by Nachum

President Obama's Two Hundred and Twelfth Week in Office


It's 3am and nobody's there

Chuck Hagel makes history as first to be blocked from Defense

 Hagel Confirmation Squashed For Now As Dems Lack 60 Votes – Furious White House Blasts 'Unconscionable' Republicans

FAA Official: No Armed Drones In U.S.


Obama made no phone calls on night of Benghazi attack, White House says

Video: The John Brennan puzzle is slowly being pieced together

Reid: 'Outlandish' to Say 'Administration Hasn't Been Forthcoming' on Benghazi

Obama Voter Fraud

Did Hagel rig vote to win Senate seat? Details revealed in magazine profile on alleged GOP plan to steal election

Massive Voter Fraud in St. Lucie County, Florida

Double-Voting For Obama

Obama vs. The U.S. Military

Obama Bemoans Hagel Delay: 'I Need a Secretary of Defense'

GAO: Defense Dept. Lowered Standards for Afghan Forces to Justify Withdrawal

Gen. Allen 'Pushed Out' For Top NATO Post By White House, Source Says

Obama and Israel

 Report: Hagel Said State Department Controlled by Israel Contemporaneous account by Hagel supporter of 2007 speech

Obama Ethics, Year 5

Judicial Watch Breaks USDA Training Video Labeling Pilgrims 'Illegal Aliens'

Obama says his is 'most transparent administration' ever

The Hagel Speech that 'Wasn't': More Evidence Emerges of Failure to Disclose

GM's Mysterious Earnings Report

Senate delays Brennan confirmation at least two weeks

Former Obama spokesman: 'Move on' from Menendez scandal

G20 summit: Mineral water company receives free advertising from Barack Obama

Attaaack Waaaatch

Obama Meets Man Who Secretly Taped Romney’s 47% Remark, "Jumped Forward To Embrace Him," Said "Thank You, Thank You So Much"…

Former WH Comm Directo Anita Dunnr: War With Fox News Was 'Simple Decision,' Their 'Alternative Universe' Now 'Crumbling'

Destroy Marco Rubio

Investigator: Obama's DHS Cyber Army Targets Anti-Obama Sites


Obama: 'At Some Point You Run Out of Money'

Video: Senate Dems to announce sequester-replacement plan today

Obama Attacks the Second Amendment

Obama: 'People are going to be able to buy all kinds of guns'

MN Democrats Introduce Law to Confiscate Guns… Using Same Language as MO Democrats

Missouri Democrats Introduce Legislation to Confiscate Firearms - Gives Gun Owners 90 Days to Turn in Weapons

'Police Chief Wants Citizens As 'Reserve Force' To Defend Against Feds'

Olympic Arms announces New York State sales policy: ...will no longer sell to the State of New York or any governmental entity or employee of such governmental entity within the State of New York

Gun show bill OK'd in House (NM - requires background checks)

Obama strategist slams NRA's op-ed in The Daily Caller.......--The Op Ed: "Stand and Fight"

Obama and Agenda 21

Boxer Introduces Carbon Tax Bill Three Months After WH Promised 'We Would Never Propose' One

U.S. Grant Funded Workers' Play at LG Chem Factory

IG: Add LG Chem to Obama's green-tech subsidy flops

Obama plans to bypass Congress to combat climate change

Community Organizer to the World

W.H. releases details of Obama preschool plan

Obama to push universal preschool proposal

Queen Michelle

Michelle Obama screens indie Oscar contender 'Beasts of the Southern Wild' at White House


Sebelius Linked to Doctor Who Killed Woman in Botched 33-Week Abortion

Let them eat ...kale

White House Defends Obama's Palm Beach Vacation: "Well-Deserved" Time Off…



Sen. Burr: CIA Has ‘Flatly Refused’ to Give Intel Committee Some Benghazi-Related Documents

Former White House Chief of Staff Jack Lew dodged questions from North Carolina Senator Richard Burr when asked about the Benghazi attack at today's hearing.

What Did Lew Do?...Did Obama admit failure to protect Benghazi embassy?

Obama vs. The U.S. Military

 Sequestration 'Wolf' Eats at Nation’s Readiness, Carter Says

Obama and Israel

Obama Fires 20,000 Marines, But Sends $700 Million to Palestinian Terrorists

Obama Ethics, Year 5

As the U.S. begins to withdraw 34,000 troops from Afghanistan it continues to pump billion of dollars in direct assistance to the government, which is free to spend the money in any way it sees fit.

Jack Lew, White House Chief of Staff doesn't know why ObamaCared doesn't apply to the WH staff (February 13, 2013)

Lew Not Familiar With His Investment In What Obama Called Biggest Tax Scam In The World  ... didn't know

Fact Checking The State of the Union

Obama's Most Dishonest State of the Union Address

DHS Memo Reveals Government Not Screening Out Dependents in Immigration Process

Memo Reveals DHS Ignoring Laws Limiting Immigrant Access to Public Welfare

Community Organizer to the World

Obama Seeks 29 New Programs: 'Nothing I’m Proposing Should Increase Deficit by Single Dime'

'We cannot cut our way to prosperity': Obama sets out vision to support a 'thriving middle class' without spending 'a single dime'

Obama outlines his big government vision for American decline in State of the Union address

Obama’s 'bipartisan' State of the Union paints Republicans as anti-science, job-hating Neanderthals

Obama still thinks "the rich," ...term implying envy, do not pay their "fair share."

Three conservative justices absent themselves from SOTU


SOTU Lie: 'Already, the Affordable Care Act is helping to slow the growth of health care costs'

IRS: Obamacare doesn't require you (employers) to offer 'affordable' family coverage

Could ObamaCare's 'affordability glitch' leave your family without health care?

Attaaack Waaaatch

NBC's Lauer Grills Boehner Over 'Harsh' Words for Obama; Blames Him for 'Division' and 'Animosity' in Washington

CNN Uses Instant Replay To Mock Rubio's 'Water Bottle-Gate Moment'

Senators Marco Rubio, Rand Paul deliver Blistering rebuttals to Obama

 Marco Rubio 2013 State of the Union GOP Response (English Version)

Scalia: State of the Union "has turned into a childish spectacle"

State of the Union Reaction:Media Gives Obama Thumbs Up

Rand Paul Responds To The State of the Union 2013 (In Full)

Former Obama Adviser/Press Secretary Robert Gibbs Named MSNBC Contributor


Sorry Mr. President, Manufacturing Will Not Save Us

Reuters: U.S. posts $3 billion budget surplus for January

The United States is today $6 trillion deeper in debt than it was before Barack Obama was first sworn in as president.

Obama May Require Carbon Tax of Canada for Approval of Keystone Pipeline

Obama calls for raising minimum wage to $9 an hour

CBO: If Debt Not Addressed, Stimulus Spending Will be a 'Drag' on Future Economic Growth

It's 3am and nobody's there

Obama 2003 Flashback: Vowed US Military Response To North Korea Nuke Threat (video)

Russian foreign minister won't return Kerry's call

Obama: When War in Afghanistan Is Over, We Will Fight a War in Afghanistan

Napolitano: OK, The Border Is Secure … Can We Have Reform Now?

Obama calls al-Qaida 'shadow of former self'

‘The Silence Is Deafening, Mr. President’: Obama Has Yet To Acknowledge Death Of Legendary Seal Sniper Chris Kyle

Obama Attacks the Second Amendment

SOTU: Obama Hits Emotional High Note on Guns, Not Jobs


pick as ATF chief is in deeper trouble: A sting operation in Milwaukee that went bad is being cited by GOP lawmakers as inept leadership.

Obama and Agenda 21

With almost no media coverage, the White House last week announced its new Interagency Working Group to Counter Online Radicalization to Violence that will target not only Islamic terrorists but so-called violent "sovereign citizens."

Let them eat... kale

Obama: 57 Vacation Days Since Vowing He 'Will Not Rest Until Anyone' Can Find A GOOD Job

Obama Dead Pool

Jeff Joe Black:  Found dead on a hiking trail from "blunt force trauma to the head":  Chicago activist who claimed that Emmanuel was put into place in Chicago to oversee a coming false flag event.

Obama and the Muslim Brotherhood

Trent Franks: 'Astonishing' that Obama Never Mentions the Muslim Brotherhood

Brennan's Terrorist Associations, Gross Ignorance, and Lack of Candor


Obama and Agenda 21

Obama says he will use executive action on climate if needed

Obama vs. The U.S. Military

Homeland Security Prepares Budget Cuts ... Up to 1,000 Furloughs at Secret Service

Top Pentagon Brass Lay Out Details of Sequestration Nightmare

It's 3am and nobody's there

Senate Panel Approves Hagel for Def. Sec........- rare party-line vote

Australian General Gets Key US Army Post

Few Korea hands on Obama administration's Asia leadership team

Re: N. Korea Nukes; Valerie Jarrett: 'We´re Heartened to See that the U.N. Security Council Will Be Meeting'

American Official: 'Very Possible that the North Koreans Are Testing' for Iran

Obama to announce return of 34,000 U.S. troops from Afghanistan

Immigration agents demand seat at Obama's talks

Obama and the Muslim Brotherhood

Fort Hood Hero Says Obama 'Betrayed' Her, Other Victims (Helped Confront Shooter Hassan)


Obama's Economic Growth Record Is The Worst In 60 Years

Obama: State of the Union 2013 ideas won't add deficit

CBO director: Debt will be unsustainable without 'significant' changes to entitlements or broad tax hikes

Valerie Jarrett Admits Obama Hasn't Talked To GOP Leaders About Sequester

Obama Vastly Exaggerates The Impact of Sequester Cuts

"Obamaphone" cost 2.2 billion

China's CNOOC $15.1-billion Nexen takeover (oil interests in gulf coast)

Maria Bartiromo Presses White House on Spending Cuts (Video)

Food Stamp Rolls in America Now Surpass the Population of Spain

Obama '09: Stimulus Will Lift 2 Million Out of Poverty; Today: 2.6 Million More in Poverty


Sebelius: Healthcare 'getting stronger'

Hospices Reveal Obamacare's Impact

Dr. Ben Carson On Criticizing Obamacare: "Somebody Has To Stand Up To The Bullies"

Card. George on HHS Mandate: "Institutions for Which We're Responsible Will Simply Not Cooperate"

The Newly Released "ObamaCare Survival Guide" Rockets to No. 2 Spot on NYT Bestseller List.

OH Gov. Kasich Enlists Socialized Medicine Lobbyists to Help Implement Obamacare Governor turns to mathematically-challenged progressives for talking points

Obama Ethics, Year 5

State of the Union Address....The Executive Order The Press Agreed To Keep Secret For Five Hours: Cyber Security Bill

Jay Carney Admits Sequester was the President's idea

White House: Republicans are unpatriotic

 The Atlantic Council’s Sanctions-Busting Backers... Corporations that have evaded Iran sanctions financially support Hagel-chaired think tank

Obama Overstepped Constitutional Authority, Federal Court Rules

Another Federal Government Takeover: Common Core Curriculum

Tom Coburn speaks out against waste in Violence Against Women Act:- DOJ "Waste", "Duplication"

Judge: No Proof Obama's Birth Certificate Is Legitimate

Obama and Israel

Obama to Speak in Israel, but Not in Knesset Israel prepares to host the US president. Obama to give speech outside Knesset as parliament hall not large enough.

John Kerry Wants $700M for Palestinian Authority: Remember Obama Waived Palestinian Accountability Act?


New Benghazi Questions for Brennan: ...scheduled to appear before a closed-door hearing held by the Senate Intelligence Committee

Bam's Benghazi two-step

Book- CIA Nominee John Brennan's "Secret War": And What Really Happened In Benghazi: CIA Nominee John Brennan ran hit squads

Obama Attacks the Second Amendment

Is DHS Ammo For Obama's "National Security Force"?

Marco Rubio: "I think that the President is not a believer in the Second Amendment, although he states that he is"

65.4 Million Guns Bought Since Obama Took Office, 91% More Than Bush's First-Term Total

U.S. Attorney testifying for gun control: I don’t know what causes gun violence

'My baby deserves a revolution': Mother of honor student, 15, shot dead days after attending Obama's inauguration hits out over gun control as two 'gang members' are charged with her murder

Canadian News Anchor: 'Gun Registration Will Lead To Confiscation' (video)

Community Organizer to the World

Obama to host post-SOTU pep rally

Attaaack Waaaatch

MSM serves up big, steaming pile of BS about former Navy SEAL who shot Osama bin Laden

Esquire Fabricates, Drudge Falls For It



For Every Job Created Since Obama Took Office More Than 20 People Have Gone On Food Stamps

Obama: Job of debt reduction nearly done

Nearly half fail Obama on deficit reduction

Gas prices hit a historic high

Shelters seeing more elderly homeless

Obama and Agenda 21

Corn shortage idles 20 ethanol plants nationwide

Obama vs. The U.S. Military

DHS Source Tells Why Military Train in U.S. Cities: .."DHS and DOD are conducting desensitizing exercises all across the U.S"......"we’re being prepared for mass civil unrest in major U.S. cities."

Military Warns Cuts Would Create 'Hollow Force' Akin To 1970s

The Man Who Killed Osama bin Laden... Is Screwed

SEAL Who Killed bin Laden Jobless,Offered No Security


White House: All questions answered on Benghazi attack

Where Was Obama on Night of Benghazi Attack? WH Isn’t Saying

Video: Senator Graham Exposes Military Leaders On Benghazi Response

Kerry Had More Security on Trip to Arlington, Va., Than State Dept. Posted in Benghazi


The Navy SEAL who killed Osama bin Laden is now uninsured

California lacks doctors to meet demand of national healthcare law

Rep. Jim McDermott, the "Cock Brothers," and rising health-care premiums

Catholic Bishops: Changed HHS Mandate Is Old Wine In New Bottle - Still Unconstitutional

Attaaaack Waaaaatch

Rumor Check: Ex-FBI Agent Claims Obama's CIA Nominee Is Really a Secret Muslim Recruited by Saudis

Fox News Chairman Roger Ailes Accuses Obama of Fomenting Hate

Obama Ethics, Year 5

Obama Called Cayman Island Investments 'The Biggest Tax Scam on Record' (2008 video)

Obama's hypocrisy on Jack Lew

White House weighing how many executive orders President Obama can reasonably get away with

Obama meets with Kerry brothers implicated in 1972 'Watergate'-style incident

House Oversight Panel Opens Bipartisan Probe On FOIA Compliance

Hagel omitted two speeches on Middle East from Senate disclosure forms

Community Organizer to the World

Obama--Sued by Catholic Church for Attacking Religious Freedom--Boasts of His 'Work Together' With Pope

President Obama: ‘Michelle and I warmly remember our meeting with the Holy Father in 2009'

During State of the Union, Obama to claim economic benefits from progressive goals

WaPo wonders: Why won't Obama give us an interview?....notices that Obama has done interviews with "Entertainment Tonight," "The View" "Morning Mayhem", but not NYT, WP, WSJ.

The Neverending Campaign: Obama Plans Post-SOTU Public Relations Tour

It's 3am and nobody's there

Arizona Gov. Brewer Refuses to Back Down on Denial of Licenses to Illegals

Dick Cheney blasts Obama's 'second-rate' national security team

Obama and Israel

Israel on Alert Israel appears to be readying for conflict with Lebanon

Netanyahu: Iran Getting Closer to 'Red Line' Netanyahu at the Conference of Presidents: Iran is getting closer to the red line I set at the United Nations.

U.S. Ambassador: Pollard Broke the Law ..."and I do not want to talk about his release,"

Israel approves 90 new homes in contested West Bank area.. weeks before Obama visit

Obama's self-proclaimed 'best friend in the Middle East,' Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, has compared Israel to Nazis

Obama Attacks the Second Amendment

Biden on Philly visit decries 'Sandy Hook-plus' of daily shootings

Parents of slain Chicago teen to attend State of the Union

Dem Congressman: 'It’s Clear That We (Also) Need to Look at Handguns'

Biden: 'Legitimate media' will help pass gun control



White House: GOP spreading 'myths' about Obama's fiscal approach

Obama Administration Touts 38 Million Acre Lease Sale: ...Old Leases available for 30 years.  Nobody wanted.

Obama Breaks 3:1 Cuts-to-Taxes Promise

Fed’s Holdings of U.S. Gov't Debt Hit Record $1,696,691,000,000; Up 257% Under Obama

Dick Durbin Admits the Obama Sequestration Was "Designed as a Budget Threat, Not a Budget Strategy" (Video)

China Eclipses U.S. as Biggest Trading Nation Measured in Goods

After ignoring unemployment, Obama seeks to convince Americans it's his top priority

Obama and Israel

Hidden Hagel 2008 Speech Surfaces: No Attack on Iran Even if Israel Threatened

Officials: Obama coming to Israel to prevent strike on Iran

Obama Attacks the Second Amendment

Video: Eric Holder - 'Obama Decides Who's ‘Entitled' To Second Amendment Rights'

When Crazed Shooters Can't Be Linked To The Tea Party, Media Displays Admirable Restraint

Colorado Democrats Declare War on Guns

Fiery Meeting About NY SAFE Act - Buffalo 1/29/13  (video)

New York State Resistance - "... prime for something like that." 1/29/13  (video)

Non-Compliance Resistance Evident at Buffalo vs New York State Q & A Forum on the Arms Bill (full video, 33.29 min.)

DHS Ammo Purchases: Gun Control by Another Name?

NJ Plans 24 Gun Control Laws..end of private gun sales

NJ Shotgun Ban

Former Secret Service Agent Dan Bongino: "In a society of wolves, you DO NOT fight back by creating more sheep!"

Attaaaack Waaaaatch

Democrats Slam Dr. Carson for Prayer Breakfast Speech: 'Not Appropriate,' Says Schakowsky

Obama Ethics, Year 5

Newly Released Drone Records Reveal Extensive Military Flights in US

Graham on Brennan, Hagel: 'No confirmation without information'

The Kill List/Drones: The Problems of the White Paper To linger on the hypocrisy is to miss the big picture.

The Secretary of the Treasury: from tax cheat to 'tax scam' beneficiary

GAO: 35% of Major Federal Regulations Were Issued Without Public Notice


ATF Wisconsin Gun Operation Loaded With Mistakes, No Oversight

Community Organizer to the World

Obama has earned 'Great Divider' label

It's 3am and nobody's there

Obama to Renew Drive for Cuts in Nuclear Arms (ours)

Hagel Went to Five Colleges, Was'´D' Student; Media Oblivious

Inhofe: I Will Filibuster Hagel's Nomination if Necessary

Is Obama Mentally Fit To Serve As President?

Report: Iraq PM 'Invites' Iran to Seize US Embassy in Baghdad

DHS Watchdog OKs 'Suspicionless' Seizure of Electronic Devices Along Border

Twitter isn’t censoring you. Your government is.


Did Obama Administration And John Brennan Lie, And Allow Release Of A Benghazi Suspect?

Source: New Info on Benghazi Is Going to Come Out & Leave People 'Amazed & Shocked'

The secret war behind Benghazi A stealth campaign of assassinations, run by CIA nominee John Brennan, resulted in the death of the US ambassador, a new book claims

Benghazi Bungle: Obama's Pass-the-Buck Presidency

Obama vs. The U.S. Military

Cheney criticizes Obama nominees in Wyoming speech

New US commander takes the helm in Afghanistan

Obama and Agenda 21

Woman With Pacemaker Refuses Smart Meter- Has Power Cut In The Dead Of Winter

Administration's New Climate Report: Next Ice Age 'Has Now Been Delayed Indefinitely'

Explosive Fed. Mandate Killing Thousands of Red Snapper


Obama Attacks the Second Amendment

Marines had to take the bolts out of their rifles for the Inaugural

List of Proposed California Gun Control Measures - 500 Round Max, No Grandfathering, No Detachable Mags, Mandatory License

First Lady Attends Funeral of Chicago Teen Shot After Performing at the Inauguration: 'Tragic Loss…Due to Senseless Gun Violence'

2nd Amendment 'too controversial' for radio More stations shut down criticism of Obama

Obama Voter Fraud

Voter-Fraud Allegations in Hamilton County, Ohio Not Covered by the Cincinnati Enquirer

Obama Ethics, Year 5

Treasury Sec. Nominee Lew Under Fire for Cayman Islands Investments

Friday News Dump: Partial Hagel Donor List Includes Saudis, Turkey


Now States Cutting Employee Hours to Avoid Obamacare Costs

Obamacare 2016: Expect Insurance Premium Hikes of About $400 Per Family

The US Conference of Catholic Bishops pledged renewed opposition to the recently revised HHS contraception mandate

Catholics: Changed HHS Mandate Is Old Wine In A New Bottle

Community Organizer to the World

WH stung by inaugural coverage, expect a less partisan SOTU


WSJ: "Scary" sequester a 5% reduction in discretionary spending -after 14% increase since 2008

Obama wants Congress to fix the sequester he suggested with the new taxes he wants

Washington Auto Show attendees give emphatic 'no' to electric cars

It's 3am and nobody's there

FAA Releases New Drone List - Is Your Town on the Map?

Obama and the Muslim Brotherhood

Brennan Letter: FBI Training 'Substandard and Offensive' to Muslims

John Brennan, Obama nominee for CIA Director, converted to Islam while working in Saudi Arabia, states former FBI agent, John Guandolo...Guandolo wrote the first Muslim Brotherhood training manual for the FBI....detailed story/ interview.


Panetta's Testimony Calls Obama's Benghazi Explanations into Question

Benghazi: Who Was Minding the Store?

Obama vs. The U.S. Military

Dropping combat ban could result in drafting of women

Obama and Israel

Netanyahu ally: Peace with Palestinians impossible


Obama and Agenda 21

Stonewalling Justice EPA shields information regarding administrator's secret email account

Interior secretary nominee Sally Jewell previously served on the board of an environmental group that has filed dozens of lawsuits against the federal government, including against the Department of Interior.


Obama vandalizes White House presidential biographies to insert himself

Obama Voter Fraud

HA HA! Ohio Election Official: 'I Voted Twice for Obama'


ABC Ignores New Benghazi Revelations Showing Disengaged Obama

The Twisted Truth on Obama's Benghazi Response

Panetta: Obama never called back to check on Benghazi

Obama Ethics, Year 5

Illegal Immigrant to Testify in Senate Next Week--With ICE Agent Who Cannot Arrest Him

Chuck Hagel and the White House seem to be playing switch-and-bait with the Senate Armed Services Committee. First, he couldn’t possibly provide information on donors and speeches. Then he said, well, maybe. Now it appears that he will stiff the Senate.

Senators - 'EPA talking out of both sides of their mouth' about illegal human experiments

Bennan: 'I Never Believe It’s Better to Kill a Terrorist Than to Detain Him'


HHS Delays Basic Health Plan Option Until 2015

Obamacare's Fiscal Nightmare

American Action Forum Survey of Insurance Companies Warns of 2014 Premium Sticker Shock

Obama and Agenda 21

Obama Administration Shuts Down 100 Year Old Oyster Farm This Week

Flashback: Obama Interior Nominee Sally Jewell Interview On 'Green Business'

Community Organizer to the World

Mold? Leaky Roof? Clutter? Obama Administration Says All Americans Must Have 'Healthy Housing'

 Obama Incorporated: The president's left-wing network continues to expand

Attaaack Waaaatch

Univision Employee Calls Marco Rubio Token Slave Boy

Video: Must-See Speech of Dr. Benjamin Carson Calling Out Obama at National Prayer Breakfast

Maxine Waters: Obama Has a Database on Everything About Every Individual

Obama Attacks the Second Amendment

California Democrats Introduce Bill To Confiscate Every "Assault" Weapon In The State From Their Law-Abiding Owners…

Suspected cop killer and manhunt target left manifesto demanding 'gun control'


Colo. Stimulus Dollars Wasted, Threatens Small Business

Americans Are Using Their Houses as ATMs Again

Flashback: "Obama pledges to veto effort to undo automatic spending cuts"

Obama considering fracking supporter to head Energy Department

Growing 'Output Gap' Suggests More Hard Times Ahead

The Worst Five Years Since the Great Depression

McDonald's January sales drop more than anticipated

It's 3am and nobody's there

Obama to drastically cut immigration and border security budgets

America Gives Up: Obama cancels Mars rover mission

Obama Blocked Rebel Syrian Arms:  A proposal to arm Syrian rebels was backed by the Pentagon, the State Department and the Central Intelligence Agency, but the White House decided not to act on the plan.

California no longer requiring eighth graders to take Algebra

Why are the feds loading up on so much ammo?

Is Obama Gay?

Obama nominates openly gay lawyer for patent appeals court

Obama and Israel

After Peres, Kerry Also Phones Netanyahu...after

Obama vs. The U.S. Military

By year's end, troops will be unable to respond to crises, Pentagon says

Navy: Lincoln Refueling Delayed, Will Hurt Carrier Readiness

TOPICS: News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: list; obama; office; week
Obama gave us the "State of his Mind" address... and the nation tuned out.

Another week in the Obama Zone, let me know if you would like to be on or off the ping list.

1 posted on 02/15/2013 11:31:37 AM PST by Nachum
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To: Nachum

Obama negative links ping.

2 posted on 02/15/2013 11:39:47 AM PST by gleeaikin
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