I am not surprised he's feeding this dictator propaganda pablum to his followers. It's what they want to hear.
“The Problem Is ... Im Not the Emperor of the United States”
and to that I say Thank you God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wow. Actually Mr. President it isn’t a problem, it’s the very reason we have division of powers - for people that wish there weren’t.
This is quite telling, it’s something he “struggles with”, why? He obviously thinks he should have more power. Not that this would be a surprise to those on FR, he understands the constitution, he just doesn’t agree with it - has openly said it’s too “constraining”. Yes it is, for good reason. What does it say about a president that thinks he knows better, with such arrogance I’d have a hard time believing that he *doesn’t* behave as an emperor, we just don’t see most of it because it’s all done behind closed doors.
Can you imagine what this guy would do if we didn’t have the constitution? Even though he does everything possible to get around it, the document is still able to be his enemy.
The Emperor has no clothes!!
Obutthole shows his true inner self (he wants to be a king/emperor because he essentially acts like one with his defiance of the Constitution and abuse of executive orders).
President Narcissus is a fascist socialist demagogue.
51% of the voters in the US are too dumb to see it.
In order to secure the security and continuing stability.
The Republic will be reorganized into the UNITED SOCIALIST REPUBLIC'S OF AMERICA!!!!
For a safe, secure and equal society.
That’s not a bug, that’s a feature.
Once when the Roman legions were crossing the Alps, they came across a small mountain village. It was very primitive: the houses were made of mud and wattle; the inhabitants were poor; and to one accustomed to the civilization of Rome it must have seemed very wretched.
The Roman army halted for a while and one of the officers approached the commander, Julius Caesar. "Caesar," he said, "see what a miserable village that is. And yet there is without doubt some man who is proud to be its chief."
Caesar replied: "I would rather be the chief pf these mountain people than the second man in Rome." This remark gives us an insight into Caesar's character.
Now I understand why Liberals do what they do. Even when the know the end result will be bad.
Are we reading it right? Yes, in his mind that is The Problem! A Communist dictator wanna-be, whose parents’ and grandparents’ heroes were various Stalins, Ho Chi Minhs and other mass murderers, sees the Constitutional restraints on himself (which he disregards every chance he gets anyway!) as The Problem! After all, He, and only He (OK maybe he, Valerie and Dr Emanuel), has such great ideas to make everyone on this planet happy.
I’m always dissapointed that so-called conservative news / commentary sources like Weekly Standard, Townhall and Fx News never mention the federal government’s constitutionally limited powers in conjunction with power-grabbing Congress and Obama.
In fact, military and international trade issues aside, practically the only domestic government service that the federal government has the constitutonal authority to regulate, tax and spend for is postal services.
Except Immigration Laws.
Then how is it that you are not wearing clothes?
Then how is it that you are not wearing clothes?
Well damn. First thing he's got right since being elected in 2008.
I'm glad you know this Baraq, because on Jan. 20, 2017 @ 1200hrs, you will leave the presidency, either vertically or horizontally, your choice.
And he does a fine job putting to death every law he disagrees with.
And he appears well on his way to the solution.
I hate Obama. Really, really hate him. I don’t know if I can survive four more years. If only he would be impeached. If only.
I could imagine the media imploding if Bush said this.
He was ripped to shreds for saying he was the “decider”.
Execute laws that are passed? Why don’t you try enforcing our immigration laws for a change, Zero?