BO is doing exactly what the national socialist did in Germany in the thirties - all those speeches - all the finger difference other than location and time period...
By not standing up and saying NO in a majority - a very little minority has taken the lead and gotten themselves into some pretty power and authoritarian positions...and we all know how this will work out in the end...
Polish it up a tad (newspapers like short graphs) and send it to WSJ as a guest editorial.
You are 100 percent on target, sir.
Excellent! Puts it right where it is... hiding in plain sight. I am often amazed by man’s ability to rationalize, stare evil in the face, and not recognize it.
I agree with Eric, and predict that the WSJ will take it.
I’ve been calling Obama a Mau-Mau for years. It’s an appropriate discription.
No apology required. That’s a great vanity.
Very good! If you want some editorial help...let me know...some stuff could be cut out and it would be just as powerful.
Excellent post! You have him exactly pegged.
It makes me think, so how do you deal with a mau-mau’er?
It seems that mau-mau’ers support each other, like an unwritten code. The MSM are mau-mau’ers. Trumka and the Unions are mau-mau’ers.
It’s like a “coalition of the incompetent”. They get what they want through fear, but they are afraid, themselves, because they know that if you are ever not afraid, they will be out of a job.
I just forwarded this to an old friend who is on the WSJ Editorial board.