The claims in support of Dorner in that thread were that his manifesto was NOT that of a kook.
Sorry, someone who obsesses over a ‘sleight’ from grade school and uses it as an excuse in a manifesto to excuse their behavior is indeed CRAZY.
It’s in his “shout outs” section of his manifesto where he shrieks at the Principal of his old school.
There are other things in there that prove he was nuts.
Couple his threat to kill people unrelated to his firing, for example the families of the officers, and couple that with his murder of the daughter of Randall Quan followed by his taunting phonecall about it.
That is crazy.
Plus the man had no honor, obviously.
By way of example, and I don't care to dialog with you, so take this as a rhetorical question, do you think Dorner was crazy to the extent it would justify avoiding prison, that is, using an insanity defense?